Safeguarding Children & Best Practice

Drama in the Woods and all its staff are aware that safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare is of paramount importance. Staff need to be vigilant, have a role in identifying concerns, sharing information and must act on any concerns they may have regarding the welfare of the children they are working with. If any member of staff has any suspicions about the treatment of a child they must immediately raise it with the Camp Manager. The Camp Manager must make sure the appropriate course of action for that child can be initiated. All staff should familiarise themselves with the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s contact details (Important contact numbers will be found in the Operations Manual and Handbook). It is the legal responsibility of every Drama in the Woods employee to report any suspicions they have regarding the treatment of the children in their/our care.

Safeguarding Children Policy

·All staff will be alert to the basic signs of abuse be it physical, emotional, sexual or neglect. They will know who they should refer concerns or suspicions to and also be aware of the procedure to follow if a child discloses information to them regarding a situation in their life

·All staff will receive safeguarding training. Staff will be instructed to complete online training with a knowledge test (with an 70% threshold pass rate). All staff must keep themselves up to date on safeguarding children issues and procedures as and when updates are delivered.

·Staff will be made aware of procedures regarding confidentiality and for sharing and receiving information, including the need for clear recording of any conversations had, complete with dates and any action to be taken

·The Manager will be the designated person for the co-ordination of safeguarding children procedures within the setting and with guidance from Drama in the Woods for liaison with Social Services, and other agencies, e.g. Police, Health Services, Education Welfare Services and Ofsted

·The designated safeguard Lead takes the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection throughout Drama in the Woods Holiday Camps and will ensure that all staff are aware of the safeguarding children procedures to follow. All staff have access to the procedure, essential contact numbers, and procedures for sharing and receiving information.

·The DSL will ensure that all safeguarding policies are kept up to date and reflect on currant guidance and that all members of staff receive the appropriate training on child protection and safer recruitment procedure. Part of this training includes ensuring that all staff are able to access and understands Drama in the Woods safeguarding policies and procedures.

·Staff should follow best practice at all times and should not display inappropriate behaviour which could be deemed as a safeguarding issue. All staff should be aware of any signs of inappropriate behaviour by colleagues and should continue to follow procedure.

·All safeguarding concerns are to be reported to the Camp Manager. The Manager will lead a thorough investigation. If deemed necessary the case will be referred to the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s.

·Staff, visitors, parents and children are welcome to approach the Camp Manager or DSL if they have any concerns about the welfare of any of children in the school.

Best Practice

The behaviour of the staff must not be open to criticism. Staff should protect themselves against liability or allegations which could cause conflict between them, the child and the parent. Staff must ensure that they do not put themselves in a position that may inadvertently threaten or upset children in their charge, and use best practice in all they do.

Best practice refers to the actions of our staff whilst working with or near to children. It also refers to the manner in which they communicate with the children and the information that they give them.

Therefore our staff will:

·Avoid shouting and derogatory comments

·Use positive comments and feedback whenever possible

·Keep physical contact to a minimum unless absolutely necessary.

·Treat all children equally and avoid favouritism

·Be non-judgemental when talking to or dealing with the children

·Empathise with the children and understand their emotions

·Ensure you inform children of why you are making certain decisions in order for them to learn why certain things are done in certain ways e.g. why you walk a certain way across the car park

·Understand that it is their legal responsibility to report any suspected cases of child abuse to their Manager who in turn will determine the best course of action for that child can be initiated

·Not use a mobile phone or camera whilst leading a session with a group of children unless directed by the Camp Manager for the purposes of recording drama/theatre work.

·Follow Drama in the Wood’s Code of Conduct which all staff have received.

This policy is in line with The Department of Education ‘Keeping children safe in education‘ (July 2015)

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